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Meine Artikel über GNU/Linux, Window Maker und meine Lieblingsprogramme sind leider verloren, weil mein ehemaliger Provider pleite gegangen ist. Also müsst ihr erst einmal mit den englischen Seiten vorlieb nehmen. Oder bei meine Artikel bewundern. Sie sind allerdings frühestens ein Jahr nach Erscheinen des Hefts online. Der Artikel über Sylpheed kann hier gelesen werden.
Ein Artikel über idesk, der es leider nicht in eine Ausgabe von LinuxUser geschaft hat, ist unter zu finden.

Auf diesem Server findet sich übrigens auch die Homepage von Zonta Saarbrücken.


This is It is meant as a resource for things related to GNU/Linux (especially if it's related to Mandrake), now Mandriva and/or *BSD. You can find some useful scripts to keep a FreeBSD Server up to date, in the BSD section. One thing I did some time ago was to compile my own rpm of rioutil. With rioutil you can get your mp3s on your Rio mp3 player. Download it from the downloads section.

In the meantime you might want use some links from my bookmarks file. It was generated by Galeon. Some links might not be very useful, especially links to files on my hard disk.

Screenshots of Window Maker or Gnome2 are available at the screenshots section. Most of the themes can be downloaded from my freshmeat page. A theme for Sylpheed-Claws can be downloaded from Just follow the instructions in the README file to install the theme or check the themes page.

Some time ago I wrote three articles (about sylpheed, gtktalog and IPCop) for the German LinuxUser magazine. Two articles were translated into English and can be read online if you can read pdf files. The first is about sylpheed, which is a fast and reliable mail application, based on the GTK+ libraries. The second is about the firewall/router distribution IPCop.


asked@freshmeat: I love the transparent icons (i.e. TV, Gaim, Galeon, Browser) that are aligned vertically on the right side of the screen? How is that accomplished?

I use .png files size 48x48 and idesk. Instructions in German are here. My icons are compiled from various sources. Check or similar pages.
